[8 Solutions] Dell laptop won’t turn on but the power light is on.

When your Dell laptop won’t turn on, but the power light is on, it can be a perplexing situation. However, there’s no need to panic! In this guide, we’ll provide you with 8 effective solutions to troubleshoot and resolve this problem, getting your laptop back up and running in no time. Let’s dive in and get your Dell laptop back on track.

Dell laptop won't turn on but the power light is on.

Solutions for a Dell laptop that doesn’t power up

However, there are several common causes for this problem, and fortunately, many of them can be resolved without professional assistance. In this article, we’ll guide you through the troubleshooting steps to get your Dell laptop up and running again.

Common Causes

Before jumping into the troubleshooting process, let’s explore some common reasons why your Dell laptop might not turn on despite the power light being on:

1. Power Source Issues

Sometimes, the laptop’s power source could be the culprit. Check if the power cable is securely plugged into the laptop and the power outlet. A loose connection or a faulty power outlet can prevent your laptop from powering on.

2. Power Button Malfunction

A faulty power button can prevent the laptop from starting up. Dust or debris might be obstructing the button’s proper functioning.

3. Battery Problems

A depleted or faulty battery can also be the cause. If your laptop’s battery is not holding a charge or has completely drained, it may not power on even with the power light on.
Also, you can read our detailed article on How to run laptop without a battery.

4. AC Adapter Issues

The AC adapter, responsible for charging the laptop and powering it directly, could be damaged or malfunctioning. If your laptop charger is dead. Find out How to charge your laptop with an HDMI cable, even without a charger. Don’t miss our informative article!

5. BIOS Glitch

A glitch in the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) can prevent the laptop from starting up. Resetting the BIOS might resolve the issue.

6. Display Problems

Sometimes, the laptop might be turning on, but a black or blank screen is displayed. This could be due to display issues.

7. Hardware Failures

In more severe cases, hardware components like the motherboard or processor could be faulty, leading to the laptop’s inability to turn on.


Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s walk through the step-by-step troubleshooting process:

Check the Power Source

Start by verifying the power source. Ensure that the power cable is properly connected to both the laptop and the power outlet. If you’re using a power strip, check if it’s working correctly or try plugging the laptop directly into a wall outlet.

Test the Power Button

Gently press the power button multiple times to rule out any temporary obstructions or malfunctions. If you suspect the power button is faulty, consider seeking professional assistance for repair or replacement.

Examine the Battery

If you suspect a battery issue, try removing the battery from the laptop and then plugging in the power cable. If the laptop turns on without the battery, it might be time to replace the battery.

Inspect the AC Adapter

Check the AC adapter for any visible damage or loose connections. If it seems damaged, consider getting a new AC adapter from Dell or an authorized retailer.

Reset the BIOS

To reset the BIOS, turn off the laptop, unplug it, remove the battery, and then press and hold the power button for about 15 seconds. Reconnect the battery and power cable, then turn on the laptop.

Check the Display

If the laptop powers on, but the display remains black or blank, try connecting the laptop to an external monitor. If the external monitor displays content, the laptop’s internal display might be at fault.

Run a System Diagnostic Test

Dell laptops often come with built-in diagnostic tools. Run a system diagnostic test to check for any hardware issues and receive detailed error codes for potential fixes.

Update or Reinstall Drivers

Outdated or corrupted drivers can cause startup problems. Update your drivers using Dell’s official website or reinstall them to see if it resolves the issue.

Hardware Issues

If none of the above troubleshooting steps work, it’s possible that your laptop has a hardware problem. In this case, seeking professional help or contacting Dell’s customer support is recommended.


1. How do I know if my Dell laptop’s power button is faulty?

If your Dell laptop doesn’t respond when you press the power button, or if it feels loose or unresponsive, there may be an issue with the power button.

2. Is it safe to reset the BIOS on my laptop?

Resetting the BIOS is generally safe, as it only resets the firmware settings to their default values. However, it’s essential to follow the correct procedure to avoid any potential problems.

3. My laptop turns on but the screen remains black. What should I do?

If your laptop powers on, but the screen remains black or blank, try connecting it to an external monitor. If the external monitor works fine, the problem likely lies with the laptop’s internal display.

4. Can I replace my Dell laptop’s battery myself?

Yes, you can replace the battery yourself, but it’s essential to ensure you purchase a compatible and genuine battery from Dell or an authorized retailer.

5. Where can I get professional help for my Dell laptop?

You can reach out to Dell’s customer support or visit an authorized Dell service center to get professional help and support for your laptop.


Facing a Dell laptop that won’t turn on can be a frustrating experience. However, with the right troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve the issue on your own. By checking the power source, power button, battery, AC adapter, BIOS, display, and drivers, you can identify and fix many common problems. If you still can’t get your laptop to turn on, it’s essential to consider hardware issues and seek expert assistance if needed.

Irfan Ali Professional Blogger